Second Amendment Armory Suppliers
Second Amendment Armory has teamed up with the leading firearm manufacturers and suppliers in the world. We encourage you to visit their Web sites to obtain the latest, most up-to-date product information. All manufacturers and suppliers listed on this page deal directly with Second Amendment Armory so we can help you find and acquire the right firearm or accessory.

5.11 Tactical Series
5.11 creates superior products that enhance the safety, accuracy, speed and performance.

Adams Arms
AR15 retrofit gas piston systems

Aim Surplus
Handguns, Rifles, Ammo, C&R, Accessories

ALG Defense
Combat and Mil-Spec Triggers

AmChar Wholesale
Firearms, ammunition, shooting sports accessories, and police equipment

American Spirit Arms
Precision firearms, parts, accessories and rifles modeled after the AR15, M16, and M4 Carbine

Arken Optics
Optics, mounts, and accessories

Handguns, Rifles, Accessories

Auto-Ordnance Corpoation
M1 Carbine, WWII 1911 Pistols and semi-auto replicas of the world famous Tommy Gun.

Century International Arms
Handguns, Rifles, Ammo, C&R, Accessories

Chattanoog Shooting Supply
Firearms, ammunition, shooting sports accessories, and police equipment

Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns, Accessories

Fulton Armory
Handcrafted U.S. Service rifles & more. M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, M14, FAR-15, FAR-308

Gallery of Guns
Handguns, Rifles, Ammo, Accessories

iTac Defense
Holsters, Mag Pouches, AR Mags, Sights, Tactical Lights, Accessories.

J&G Sales
Handguns, Rifles, Ammo, C&R, Accessories

Kahr Arms
USA based manufacturer of high-quality concealed carry pistols.

Handguns, Rifles, Accessories

Leapers / UTG
Optics, Mounting Systems, Flashlights and Lasers, Tactical Gear and Armor

Handguns, Rifles, Ammo, Accessories

Looper Brand
Holsters, Concealed Carry, Flash Bang, Ticket Books and Portfolios.

Magnum Research, Inc.
USA based manufacturer and importer of the Desert Eagle pistols, BFR Revolvers, 1911 pistols, Magnum Lite Rimfire and Centerfire Rifles.

Magpul produces the finest polymer magazines and loading tools for your rifle.

Masterpiece Arms
Pistols, Rifles, Tactical Weapons

Maximus Arms

Rifles, Uppers, Lowers

Quentin Defense
Manufacturers of high quality, billet lower receivers

Rock River Arms
Handguns, Rifles, Uppers, Lowers, Accessories

RSR Group
RSR Group, Inc. offers you a broad selection of more than 15,000 products from over 250 manufacturers.

Sig Sauer
Handguns, Rifles, Accessories

Spike's Tactical
Firearms, uppers, lowers, barrels, parts, and accessories

Stag Arms
Rifles, barrels, uppers, upper halves, lowers, lower halves, BCG, accessories

Tactical Gear Distributors
Accessories, Clothing, Tactical Gear, Sights

Tech-Sights, LLC
After market sights for SKS, AK, Ruger 10/22, CZ-452, and many more.

Timney Triggers
Triggers for ARs, Rifles, Shotguns, and Archery

Vortex Optics
Scopes, Red Dots, Binoculars, Spotting Scopes, Rangefinders, Rings