Second Amendment Armory Dictionary

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I.O. Inc.

I.O.Incorporated manufactures high quality firearms near Charlotte, North Carolina. It distributes its products through major distributors, including Davidsons.

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Interstate Arms Corp, located in Watertown, Massachusetts, is a leading distributor supplying retail gun shops nationwide with firearms and accessories.

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Improved Cylinder

Even less constricted than modified, the improved cylinder distributes approximately 50 percent of a shell's total pellets in a 30-inch circle at 40 yards. This often is the choice of hunters shooting waterfowl close over decoys or pursuing close-quarters upland birds such as quail, grouse and pheasants. Rifled slugs usually perform well with this choke.

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Iron Sights

Metallic sights on a gun. The term is used to differentiate them from optical sights (scopes).

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