Second Amendment Armory Dictionary

Welcome to the Second Amendment Armory's dictionary. You can use this page to find the definition of words or abbreviations related to firearms. You can search the dictionary by entering a word, partial word, a word or combinations of words. Or, you can view all the words in the dictionary realted to a specificc letter. If you have suggestions for new terms, abbreviations, or deifnitions, please contact us at

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A mechanical part that pivots on an axis and can be released to the trigger to go quickly forward to strike the firing pin.

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A firearm with its hammer enclosed inside the action body; i.e. no visible hammer.

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A handgun is a firearm designed to be held and operated by one hand, with the other hand optionally supporting the shooting hand. This characteristic differentiates handguns as a general class of firearms from their larger counterparts: long guns such as rifles and shotguns (which are held in both hands and usually braced against the shoulder). Some handgun subtypes include derringers, single-shot pistols, revolvers, semi-automatic pistols, pepperboxes, and machine pistols.

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Hollow Point

A type of bullet that has a hollow point at the front end.

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